Since mentioning breakfast cookies in a previous post, I have had several requests for the recipe. I will share it, but I must say I feel like I am telling some great family secret. We grew up on these things. They are addictive, and I would like to think, healthy at the same time. They are super easy, all you need is:
1 cup honey
1 1/2 cups peanut butter
3 cups powdered milk
1 1/2 cups corn flakes (crushed)
and 3/4 tsp cinnamon.
Mix the honey, peanut butter, corn flakes, and cinnamon in a big bowl (BIG bowl!). Mix in crushed corn flakes. I usually mix in the corn flakes by hand because the dough is so thick. Split the dough into three equal balls and roll into logs. I typically roll them into logs inside wax paper, which I also store them in. Pop them in the fridge, and cut of a cookie or two at breakfast, or whenever you happen open the fridge and see them (like me)!