Monday, April 19, 2010

Getting BIG!

I never really understood when people talked about how quickly their kids were growing. Yeah your kid is getting bigger....that's great. I get it now! Lilly seems to be doing something new every day. She eats new foods, learns new tricks and says new things! I swore when Lilly was born, she would only be breast fed and when she started eating real food that I wasn't going to buy canned baby food. So far I have succeeded. Only homemade food and breastmilk for this little lady! She loves chicken, black beans, liver (thanks to Nana Bobbi), corn, sweet potatoes, macaroni, bananas, apples, and especially graham crackers and rice crispies. She lets us know she is finished by spitting out her food. Such manners!
Lilly's newest tricks include climbing on everything possible. She likes to climb into the coffee table drawers and bang on the top of the table. She also climbs onto the dishwasher door and is getting very close to climbing onto the couch! Now if she could only get down!

1 comment:

  1. Way to go on the good, healthy food stuff! I added your blog to my google reader. :)
