Friday, September 16, 2011


I am so annoyed!  I just can't keep it in so you have the pleasure of reading about it.  I was in KC today for state SLP conference. I figured since I was going to be in the area I might try consigning some of Lilly's old baby clothes at Children's Orchard.  I did some research and everyone preferred this place to a couple others. I figured I might get better prices in a bigger city. I took a  HUGE laundry basket full.   It was mostly sets, things that weren't worn much, if at all, not a stain in sight, and some stuff even had tags still on them.  Most of it was name brand, or name brand in my opinion.  The crazy ladies actually had the nerve to offer me $17 for about half of it!  What!  I don't think so! I grouchily declined and took all of my stuff back, after they so kindly dumped it back into the basket, and not neatly I might add.  
I have no idea what kind of people are actually successful at places like this.  The wouldn't buy a pair of jeans from me that were from Dillards, yet they had a pair of jeans for sale for $6  that were Circo from Target.  Guess what people, I bought a pair of jeans brand new from Target for $5!  Stupid right?  They turned down a couple Gap t-shirts, yet had a bunch of Jumping Beans, Cherokee, and Garanimals on the shelves.  You would think of all places, a person in Johnson County would know a little more about "brand name."  I don't mean to sound like a snob, but seriously?  Guess in the future I will stick to garage sales and giving the clothes away.  Now I am going to go pack all of the clothes back up for my next sale. Grrr again.

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