I have absolutely nothing to blog about so I am going to share a whole bunch of things you probably don't really care to know.
*My brat of a sister is flying to Hawaii today to run a half marathon. Must be rough.
*I am currently wearing long sleeves and pants even though it is 80 degrees outside. My room is an icebox.
*I am back to nursing several times in the evening. Had a nasty case of mastitis and had only been using the pump. Only problem is I still have to pump because I have so much milk right now and I am still full of milk after Lucy eats. Probably an over-share, but oh well.
* Speaking of my boobs, Lucy has a cold and wakes up coughing at night. She then lays there and talks to herself. I can hear her over the monitor, which means my boobs can hear her, which wakes them up, which means I have to get up and pump. Please quit coughing Lucy, so my boobies can sleep!
*I am only 5 pounds away from my pre-pregnancy weight! Gotta love all the extra calories you burn making breast milk. Oh goodness, more about boobs!
*My husband pretty much rocks. He took both kids with him to the K-State game last weekend without me! No major meltdowns, no diaper blowouts, and everything and everyone made it home!
*John also picked up both kids yesterday and brought them to watch my volleyball games. This involved him getting Lucy from the sitter, Lilly from dance, and then hauling them both to Hoyt. Job well done hubs!
*I just ate school lunch. It was corn dog day. I secretly enjoyed it!